Guest Blog by Gladys Kravitz

I was there under their noses the whole time. Even that magic twitching nose.

It is time I came clean.

All those years, living next door to Darren and Samantha. You all thought I was just the silly, nosy neighbor – it was the perfect cover.

You had no idea who I was really working for. You had no idea what I was really there for. It wasn’t because Samantha was a witch – bah! The CIA, the FBI, the president, the Secret Service, the IRS, the DMV – all of those organizations have known about witches for years. Who cares? But it was the perfect cover. A nosey, silly neighbor, always sticking my nose in where it didn’t belong – and getting all the information I needed the whole time.

It was the right place at the right time, and I found a way to be there without anyone being suspicious.

Remember how, after a few years, I suddenly looked very different? Like a whole different woman? I even talked differently. Yeah, it was planned like that. And how Darren suddenly looked different? Yeah, that was part of the plan too. And incredibly, no one ever said a word about it. Everyone just kind of acted like that was perfectly natural. Even Endora, that horrible witch of a mother-in-law, didn’t say anything about it. It was astounding, and a little strange, come to think of it.

People (and witches, I guess) see what they want to see. (Although I am not sure why she wanted to see a son-in-law who looked completely different….you know what? Never mind.)

And Abner? He was a patsy. Just as dumb as the rest of them. He thought he was so smart, and I was so crazy. Ha! What a fool.

But I have long since moved on from that mission. So you might want to watch what you do. Is that nosy neighbor on your street me? Or maybe you’ve noticed that weird cactus that just suddenly appeared across the street. Is that me? Am I there to find out something about you? You never know.

There. It felt good to get it all off of my chest. But wait – now I want to tell you about how I stranded those castaways on that island….

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