Movie Madness: Terrifier 1 and 2

Terrifier 1 (2016)
Terrifier 2 (2022)
(Available on Tubi)
Let me start by saying that NO ONE should see these movies. Holy crap.
And now, here is my review of when I saw these movies!
Art the Clown is a demon. But, to his credit, he is not your typical movie demon – in movies lately, their idea of “demoning” is rattling a doorknob at 3 in the morning or maybe moving a spoon so that you can’t find it or something. This one, though, is all in. He takes his job very seriously and is quite evil, effortlessly.
In the first one, Art seems to be wandering around town and just randomly being disgusting and disturbing, and when someone says, “Hey! What are you doing?” they get killed for their efforts. Honestly, I watched the first one months ago, so I don’t remember the plot, if there was one. It seems like the murders were random and horribly, horribly violent. If you are very squeamish, these are not for you. Like, they go beyond the Saw movies. I think I turned it off at least twice before I just went ahead and watched it, and that was only because I was hoping that this clown would get what was coming to him.
It took me a couple of months before I could watch the second one. In it, Sienna and her brother know that something odd is going on, mainly because they keep seeing this clown and his creepy sidekick, who throws a dead animal at the brother, which is a pretty good sign that something is not right. I won’t go into the stuff about their father and how he saw all of this coming before he died, because I thought that was kind of weak. Apparently, Sienna is the only one who can stop this demonic clown? I guess.
I did like the characters, though – they weren’t your typical horror movie idiots. Sienna’s friends believe her (mostly) when she says something strange is happening, so we don’t have to sit there waiting while they try to figure it out. Her mother seemed totally believable – someone who is at the end of her rope with her kids. And she cusses! You go, mom!
See here for my philosophical views on Art the Clown versus the Jester…

I liked the actors in both of these movies – I thought they did a good job, and you really did want them to survive.

Nice depiction of Hell in the second one – very much like a nightmare you’d have.

If you haven’t seen a movie in a while that really creeps you out, these should do it. I am really surprised I haven’t been having clown nightmares since I watched it. Just be warned!

More disgusting and depraved than Scream 6, but somehow it had a better story and was more entertaining.