Guest Blog by an Assassin for Hire
Is this 5th street? I think I am lost. I am looking for Anderson’s Bait and Tackle. Down this street and to the left? Thank you.
Oh, hey – is there a good place to eat close by? Grandma’s Diner? Nice. Sounds good. Thanks a lot!
Last time I was here that park was just a vacant lot. It looks really nice. Who is that statue? Oh, yeah? I guess he deserves a statue! That’s pretty cool.
It is very warm here for this time of year. Is it always so warm? Yeah, the sun does feel good! Gotta make sure you wear sunscreen, though. My great-aunt had this mole and no one thought anything about it. She had it for years. Then all of a sudden it just started growing out of control! By the time she got to the doctor it was too late. Very sad. You just never know when it’s your time, right? Really makes you think.
I sure do miss her. She made the best carrot cake. I don’t usually like carrots that much, but it’s funny how you can make a good cake out of them. They’re in there and you don’t even know it! Who thinks of these things?
Can you believe how no one ever used to worry about sunscreen and all? It’s crazy.
This nice weather makes me want to start my garden – I’m gonna try tomatoes this year, I think. Coffee grounds, really? Hm. I’ll have to try that. I am really not the best gardener. But I keep trying every year! One of these years I’ll get it.
Honestly I’m not a big fan of vegetables. It’s like a challenge to get them to grow, you know? It’s just kind of fun.
Well, I guess I’d better get going. Thanks a lot for the directions. You have a good day!