Guest Blog by Your Financial Advisor

So you need to set up a retirement fund….um, with this? Really? This is what we’re starting with?
Sorry about that laughter. I…um…heard a really funny joke the other day.
So this is it, huh? This is what you’ve got? Well, OK. Let’s give it a try, I guess.
Let’s see here…I think this investment might be right for you. It is a startup company. They are designing a new kind of popsicle stick. Just what the world needs, right? I’m sure this company is on to something big here, and you can invest with only a few pennies – which is basically what you have — although you won’t see any profit until 2070, or so.
Yeah, that’s a bit longer to wait for a return than most investments, but it is a new, radical concept, after all.
You didn’t want to retire until the new century, did you?
Or maybe you could invest in this chicken farm. This guy is trying to find investors. He is working on a way to use chicken eggs as fuel for tractors.
He’s ruined a lot of tractors trying this out (and he’s wasted a lot of eggs) but I really think he’s on to something. It’s cutting edge, it really is. He is willing to take worms as an initial investment, you know, to feed the chickens? That might be right for you. Do you think you could find some worms, maybe in your yard or something?
Oh, you don’t have a yard.
You know, maybe investing isn’t for you. I mean, you don’t have much to start with here. Have you thought of selling your hair? No?
You know, retirement is really overrated. I bet you could be perfectly happy working right up until the day you die. Just a thought.