Movie Madness: Thanksgiving (2023)

(Available on Prime)

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day – time to watch a movie about Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving, time for – what else? Black Friday shopping that is really Thanksgiving evening shopping. Shoppers are crowded outside of RightMart. The crowd is huge and getting violent – they want their waffle irons, NOW!!!!! (So they can maybe use it to make waffles once and then it can gather dust in the pantry, eventually to be given away to charity.)

They are being quite rude, cussing and pushing (one of the many reasons you will never find Dr. Plague or Ted the Rat out on Black Friday/Thanksgiving evening).

The store owner’s daughter, Jessica, is out with her friends – they were going to go see a movie, but one of the friends wants to go to RightMart instead to get a new phone, or something. Instead of waiting in line, the group of friends goes in through the back, since she’s the owner’s daughter and she has a key and all. But the crowd outside is already antsy, and now they are wondering why there are people in there when the store isn’t open yet! Seems like a good reason to riot to me. They get more and more anxious and push more and more, until they break through the front glass of the store (crushing a security guard in the process, which only like one person notices).

From there, it just gets more unpleasant (haven’t these people ever heard of Amazon?). People aren’t just shoving now—all kinds of violent acts are happening, and very few people seem fazed by it. Ugh. As if any of us needed another reason to weep for humanity.

Cut to a year later. The security footage from that day has mysteriously disappeared, so no one has been charged with anything (although it seems like there should be some way to do this? Especially since the sheriff was right there). However, of course, people were filming everything with their phones – what else would you be doing as people around you are getting hurt and violently killed and you and your friends might be next, right? The footage is showing up everywhere. Then people who were involved in the riot start being killed in some quite creative but horrible ways by someone in a John Carver (who was the first governor of Massachusetts. Duh) mask.

Love, love, love the fact that the cat in the movie not only doesn’t get hurt or horribly killed but actually seems quite happy by the end of his scene. A killer who gets rid of rude people AND is kind to cats? What’s the problem? Oh, wait….

I liked that it took a few turns that I didn’t expect and that you don’t usually see in a horror movie.

Not the movie for you if you are squeamish. I think some of the violence was rather darkly facetious. The camera tended to stay for a really, really long time on these victims.

I might have to watch it again, just to make sure everything adds up…

Is that a nod to My Bloody Valentine at the end?? Or was it just plagiarism? I’m watching you, Eli Roth….

The waitress (who was rude during the riot) is rude yet again when the gang of kids is at her restaurant, but they don’t seem bothered by this. Geez. There goes her tip.

I am not sure how the killer chose who to kill. Seems like there were more involved in the riot that s/he could have gone after…why stop at these few?

Much, much better than Scream 6.

What do you think? Let Dr. P and Ted the Rat know!
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