Guest Blog by a Pirate Ghost
Off to the library…
I am a ghost arising from the murky depths. I seek revenge against those who wronged me so long ago…..but I am having some trouble finding them.
I guess I should say I am seeking revenge on the relatives of those who wronged me, since the original people who wronged me are dead. Is that fair? I mean, they probably don’t even know what their ancestors did. I mean, it would totally be sweet to see the look on their face when they see me – my eyeball is popping out of its socket, after all, and the skin I have left is peeling off of my face – and to tell them how horrible their relatives were, but I guess it really isn’t their fault that their ancestors were a bunch of jerks. They might be really nice people.
But their ancestors – they totally stole all my gold and then just left me to drown. I mean, I stole the gold first, but it was mine. And leaving me to drown? That was a total jerk move.
Anyway, I am trying to find these relatives, but I’m not sure how to start. The Reverend Nelson – he was all leading the charge to steal my gold, believe it or not. Are reverends allowed to get married and have kids? I can never keep that straight. I know priests can’t, but reverends aren’t the same as priests, right? And that old spinster Morris – I guess as a spinster she wouldn’t have any kids, huh? Maybe she has a great niece or something. How would I find her? And William Harris – I know he had some kids with his first wife, and then she died (a shame, really), then he had kids with a second wife. Should I get revenge on all of them, or just the kids from the first wife because that’s when he helped to steal my gold, when he was married to her?
And how far down should I go? Should I get revenge on ALL of the relatives, or just the great-grandkids, or what? What is a fair way to do this?
I am thinking maybe if I go to the library they might have some records on these people, like genealogy records. Then I can find them and figure out my next move.